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The Deeper Meaning Behind The

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The 3 C's

Christ Centered Companies

We believe that only companies who have build their foundations upon Christ will have lasting and meaningful impact for generations to come. In everything we do, we seek to glorify our Lord and Savior and to point others to His kingdom. 

The Trinity Symbol

Three in One

The trinity symbol represents our Godhead as three in one. The Father (God), The Son (Jesus) and The Holy Spirit.

Meaning in the Colors


New life and living water that flows through those who follow Christ and walk out their life in pursuit of glorifying Him.


Redeeming power of the blood, shed by Jesus, who died on the cross to forgive our sins and to give us the gift of eternal life if we follow Him.

Yellow & Gold

Fire and God's presence, His refining process, holiness, joy, anointing, and divine nature and majesty.

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